Garden Plans > 2017: High Tunnel

About this Garden Plan

A Nearly Perfect Organic Garden "Anti-Cancer" garden area: Alliums and Cruciferous vegetables scientifically proven to inhibit or destroy cancer cells. Companion planting throughout for enhanced growth and flavor, "pest inhibiting" abilities, increased oil production, hosts beneficial insects and general all-around better plant health. Classical music played daylight hours. Natural fertilizers: milk, nettles, fish/kelp, compost. Don't miss the PLANT LIST for notes on each plant--it has pertinent information not found in less than perfect garden plans!!

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: Rocky Creek Valley Farm
Garden Size: 21' 11" x 61' 11"
Garden Type: Farm / smallholding
Garden Layout: Other layout
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Good soil

Plan Notes

This is my most successful garden; I just love it!! As you can see I first developed it in 2017. I've tweaked it over these several years until it's nearly perfect. Although it was originally planted in a high tunnel, this garden thrives out in the open, too. I hope you'll give it a try and don't miss the "Plant List" page to view NOTES on each plant. The notes will give you information on plant attributes, companion planting, and other pertinent plant data. Good luck with your garden!!

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Basil 87"5" x 9"BASIL LOVES TOMATOES!!! And, basil is for more than pesto. Check out my FREE basil herb course at
Beans (Pole) 699"5" x 1' 1"I plant all my runner beans (Anasazi, Asian Long, Bolita & Zuni Gold), cucurbits, watermelon and sweet potatoes on trellis with twine going to the top of my high tunnel. By the end of summer I have a fairly land! The vines grow vertically then drape down making a stunning green wonderland. Anasazi beans are descendants of the original Anasazi Indian beans and I am a descendant of the Anasazi! Bush Beans love to be planted near beets but NOT pole beans!!! Cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, marigolds and potatoes are all good companions for beans. And, think 3 sisters-Native American style: corn-beans-squash.
Beet 145"3" x 7"Beet: anti-cancer. Good companion for beans but not pole or runner beans as beets will stunt their growth. Great with brassicas like cabbage, kohlrabi and arugula. Garlic improves growth and flavor of beets. Onions also make good companions. Beets add minerals to the soil.
Broccoli 31' 5"1' 5" x 1' 5"Broccoli: Anti-cancer. Nasturtiums need little calcium so are a good pairing with broccoli which is a calcium hog. Beets love broccoli as they are in the brassicas family.
Brussels Sprouts 21' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Brussels Sprouts: #1 Cruciferous vegetable cancer fighter.
Cabbage (Spring) 22' 5"1' 11" x 2' 11"Cabbage: Anti cancer. Chamomile great companion--improves growth and flavor. Remember--brassicas love beets! Herbs like dill hyssop, mint, rosemary, sage and thyme adore growing with cabbage. Also, potato and celery.
Cabbage (Summer Red) 11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 9" 
Calendula 811"9" x 1' 11"Calendula: A favorite in my herbal medicine chest.
Carrot 113"3" x 5"Carrots love lettuce; lettuce loves strawberries!! So I put them all three together. Also chives, leeks, onions, radishes, rosemary and sage make good bedfellows for carrots. Tomatoes will stunt carrot growth.
Cauliflower 21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Cauliflower: anti-cancer. Celery loves cauliflower. And, cauliflower pizza crust, yum!!!
Chamomile 5011"9" x 1' 3"Chamomile improves the flavor of cabbages, cucumbers and onions and is especially beneficial to basil. It increases oil production of herbs. Considered a "tonic" for all plants in the garden. :) Plus, I make a chamomile herb tea blend for children that's to die for.
Chili Pepper 91' 1"11" x 1' 3"Peppers, okra and eggplant are good buddies and make excellent companions.
Chives 87"5" x 9"Chives: improves flavor and growth of carrots and tomatoes so I put BOTH basil & chives by the tomatoes.
Corn 11' 1"11" x 1' 5" 
Cucumber 31' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Squash and Cukes: Generously plant marigolds and nasturtiums among the cucurbits to deter squash bugs and other pests. Other good companions for cukes are cabbage, corn, bush beans, kohlrabi, lettuce, potatoes, radishes and sunflowers.
Dill 47"5" x 9"Dill: One of the very best food sources for beneficial insects. Great by cucumbers. Attracts the beautiful swallowtail butterfly but keep away from tomatoes as it also attracts the tomato horn worm.
Eggplant 51' 3"1' 1" x 1' 5"Peppers, okra, bush beans and eggplant make excellent companions for aubergine (eggplant).
Garlic 685"3" x 9"Garlic: #1 cancer fighter. Can't say enough good about this super star. All alliums are anti-cancer. See Leek for full note. Accumulates sulfur which acts as a fungicide and disease prevention. Great companions with ROSE...yes, rose!!
Gladiolus 1411"7" x 9"These stately beauties will entice pollinators and bring joy to the garden.
Kale 31' 3"1' 1" x 1' 5"Kale: Anti-cancer and super in smoothies. See cabbage for good companion planting.
Lavender 31' 3"1' 1" x 1' 7" 
Leek 187"5" x 11"Leek: Provides some of the same nutritional benefits as garlic/ onions: has diuretic, laxative, & antiseptic properties. Also contains cancer-fighting compounds kaempferol, which supports the heart and blood supply system, and quercetin, which inhibits carcinogenic synthesis in the body. Alliums, especially garlic, onions & leeks contain disease fighting compounds which includes stomach and colorectal cancer. Studies have found that allyl factors in leeks, while inhibiting these cancers, may also help prevent breast, esophageal, colon, and lung cancer Avoid planting near legumes.
Lemongrass 12' 3"1' 11" x 2' 11"Lemongrass: mosquito repellant, digestive tract spasms, stomachache, high blood pressure, convulsions, pain, vomiting, cough, achy joints, fever, colds, and exhaustion. It is also used to kill germs and as a mild astringent. In aromatherapy for muscle pain.
Lettuce (Crisphead) 39"7" x 11"Lettuce: Good companion for strawberries and the red and green look pretty together!! Also, beets, cabbage, chamomile, carrots, and strawberries.
Marigold 1217"7" x 7"Marigold is great pest inhibitor. I have them throughout the high tunnel especially around my cucurbits. I paired it with mint, also a good pest deterrent. Also, they are wonderful around the garden perimeter for pest control and aesthetic enjoyment.
Mint 257"5" x 9"Mint is planted throughout the garden as a pest inhibitor. It also improves health of tomatoes and cabbage. Earthworms LOVE to live in the roots. Cuttings excellent mulch for brassica family. I strew mint in my hen house to deter pests and for the pleasant aroma. It makes the chickens smile. Bundles and bouquets of mint throughout your home will make you smile, too.
Nasturtium 1111"11" x 11"Nasturtiums: great companion to curcurbits. The leaves are high in vitamin C with strong anti-bacterial and anti-tumor properties. Tea made from the leaves is a preventative for colds/flu. Dry them for winter use. Grind leaves in water, strain for an all-natural disinfectant wash for minor cuts and owies.
Okra 11' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Peppers, okra and eggplant make excellent companions.
Onion 135"3" x 7"Onion: Anti-cancer. See Leeks for full note. Companion for beets, carrots, celery, lettuce, and summer savory.
Onion (Red) 105"3" x 7" 
Onions (Green) 463"3" x 3"Green Onions: Anti-cancer
Oregano 47"5" x 9"Oregano: Antioxidants for Immune System Support. Antifungal, Antibacterial, even against MRSA. Anti-inflammatory, upper respiratory infections, cancer-fighting
Parsley 25"3" x 9"Parsley: boosts immune system with vitamin C. Allies: Asparagus, carrot, chives, onions, roses and tomato. Sprinkle the leaves on tomatoes, and asparagus. Use as a tea to ward off asparagus beetles. Attracts hoverflies. Let some go to seed to attract the tiny parasitic wasps and hoverflies. Increases fragrance of roses when planted around their base.
Peanut 411"9" x 1' 1"Peanut: rich in heart healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, niacin, folate, protein and manganese. Contains resveratrol. Contains oleic acid, the healthful fat found in olive oil. As rich in antioxidants as many fruits. Anti-cancer effects.
Peas 203"3" x 7"Peas: good companion for strawberries, beans, carrots, cucumber, radishes, potatoes, corn, turnips and rutabaga. Peas fix the nitrogen in soil.
Pepper 61' 1"11" x 1' 3"Peppers, okra and eggplant make excellent companions.
Potatoes (Early) 61' 3"1' 1" x 1' 7"Potatoes good for beans and marigolds. cabbage. corn, horseradish, nasturtium, and peas. A Pioneer garden staple.
Radicchio 109"7" x 11"Radicchio: Anti cancer.
Radish 143"3" x 7"Radish: Great for liver and stomach, and is powerful detoxifier. Digestive aid/soothes and relieves hemorrohids. Diuretic. Very effective in treating jaundice. Contain anthocyanins, (flavonoids) which not only give color to radishes, but also positively linked to reducing cardiovascular disease. Anti-cancer. and anti-inflammatory. Good companion plants are lettuce, kohlrabi, nasturtium, pea, and pole beans.
Rosemary 57"7" x 7"Rosemary loves yarrow and sage.
Sage 411"11" x 1' 3"Rosemary and yarrow are great companion plants. Do not plant sage near cucumbers or onions. Sage blossoms attract beneficial insects.
Spinach 167"5" x 11"Spinach is anti-cancer and she loves strawberries. So, do I.
Squash (Summer) 41' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Squash and Cukes: Generously plant marigolds and nasturtiums among the cucurbits to deter squash bugs and other pests. Squash loves corn. Think 3 Sisters.
Stevia 31' 1"11" x 1' 3"Stevia: zero calorie sweetner. Does not raise blood glucose or insulin levels when digested.
Strawberry 211' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Strawberries great friends with lettuce, borage, bush beans, and spinach. But keep strawberries away from cabbage as it will stunt the strawberry's growth.
Sunflower 911"11" x 11"I put these tall beauties in the far corner of the high tunnel so they could oversee the operation.
Sweet Potato 51' 5"1' 5" x 1' 11"Sweet Potato: Not a potato--member of the morning glory family. Beans a good companion. I grow them vertically; takes up less room and it's beautiful.
Swiss Chard 51' 1"11" x 1' 3"Swiss Chard: At least 13 different polyphenol antioxidants, including kaempferol, the cardioprotective flavonoid and syringic acid a flavinoid with blood sugar regulating properties. Antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and detox support.
Tarragon 11' 3"1' 3" x 1' 7"Tarragon: Feel free to plant anywhere in the garden. Enhances flavor of all vegetables.
Tomato (Large) 41' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Tomatoes: Of course, basil is tomato's best ally!! Basil improves growth and flavor. They also love asparagus, celery, marigold, parsley and....get ready for this...stinging nettle. I don't plant nettle, it grows wild all over my farm. LOVE IT!! Do not plant by carrots, they stunt tomato's growth.
Tomato (Small) 41' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Tomatoes: Of course, basil is tomato's best ally!! Basil and chives improves growth and flavor of the tomatoes. Do not plant by carrots, they stunt tomato's growth.
Zinnia 411"11" x 11"Zinnia: the sweetheart of my Grandmother's garden; how could I leave her out? And, bees love her, too.
Zucchini 31' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Squash and Cukes: Generously plant marigolds and nasturtiums among the cucurbits to deter squash bugs and other pests.

Planting Times

Plant List key